Salalat Al Fajr
Surah Al Qiyamah
led by Sheikh Omar Subbyyil Rahimahullah
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Haram imam dies after weeks in coma
JEDDAH, Saturday 16 March 2002 (02 Muharram 1423) — Sheikh Omar ibn Muhammad Al-Subail, 43, who was imam and khateeb of the Grand Mosque in Makkah for the past 11 years, died at the Armed Forces Hospital in Hada near Taif yesterday after entering a coma two weeks ago following a traffic accident.
Funeral prayers for the imam will be held at the Grand Mosque today after Asr prayers.
Sheikh Omar, who was the youngest of the Haram imams, is survived by his wife and seven children — four sons and three daughters.
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Subail, former head of the Presidency for the Two Holy Mosques’ Affairs, has received messages of condolence from a large number of people within the Kingdom and abroad.
The accident that led to Sheikh Omar’s death took place while he was traveling on the Taif-Riyadh Expressway with his family.
Born in Bakeriya in the Qassim region in 1958, Sheikh Omar received his religious education from prominent Islamic scholars, including the late Sheikh Abdul Aziz ibn Baz. He received his doctorate from Umm Al-Qura in 1991.
In 1992 he was appointed a lecturer at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud University in Riyadh. The following year he moved to Umm Al-Qura and was appointed imam of the Grand Mosque and head of the Shariah College.
In 1995, Sheikh Omar was named director of the Higher Islamic Studies Center and undersecretary of the College of Shariah and Islamic Studies at Umm Al-Qura. Two years later, he was appointed principal of the college.
Brings back memories
wow, mashallah, i've never heard this imam's salah, only the khutba that's on here.. He's got a nice voice..
mashallah, sound likes his father. may Allah give him a place in jannat ul Firdous
Rahmatullah 'Alayh.
is this sheikh subbyils son?..the imam of masjid al haram who passed away?
also if a download link would be created i would be extremly happy
Salam alaykum
I cried when I heard the late sheikh omar recite- what a beautiful voice and recitation. Although death is ofcourse a reality for us but it still brings with it grief and a loss which cannot be replaced. O Allah forgive all the muslims who have died, believing in you and the message of the prophet. Ameen
yeah he rahimahullah is the son of Shaikh Subayl (imam of haram) his father is still alive.
wa inelahi wa inailyihe raajiun
may allah send him jannathul firdus
wa innaelahi wa innaelye raajiun
may open the doors of jaanathul firdous to sheihk omar
He had an excellent voice. Will miss him a lot.May his soul rest in eternal peace. (Aamin)
I want to share my heart felt condolences with his family and i stand by them in this distress time and in sharing their unrepairable lost.
May Allah Almighty give strength and patience to his family.(AAMIN)
May the soul rest in peace.
inna lillahi wa inna illaihee rajaoun.
may Allah grant him place in jannat-ur-firdous.
Is Sheikh Muhammad As Subail still Imam of Haram?
i am really confused..who has passed it sheikh subayil..the elder imam who use to lead salat al isha beforee..or is it his son?..
which one has passed away?
His son
May Allah SWT be pleased with him.
may allah grant him janat alfirdous and reward him & light his grave with noor AMEEEEEEEN ..
"إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون"
ahh i am really confused now....
sorry but i am not understanding that Imam Sheikh Abdullah As Subayyil is Alhamdulillah still on this planet,,
and Imam Sheikh Omer Subbyyil has passed away in Car Accident in Taif Express highway!!!!
isnt it...
would really like to know the accurate answer.. haramain team plss help and reply....
Sufiyan, don't be confused:
Sh Omar ibn Muhammad as Subayyil (the youngest imam of Kaaba) who was the SON of Sh Subayyil (the Imam of BaitAllah) passed away in a car accident. He was 43 years old. May Allah have Mercy on him.
"Every Soul Shall Taste Death"
Today was the day dad requested I take a day-off
Little did he know he was soon to go, his soul to take-off
A planned surgery for 7th January did not take place
God chose this way, planned to take him away by His Mercy and Grace
Allah says, "Every soul shall taste death" so anytime can be your turn...
Your life here is short even though you thought to God you"ll never return
Your here for a purpose, this world is no circus of freedom and play
But an obligation we must follow, not wait till tomorrow but prepare every single day
Be ready with your book of deeds, it will determine whether you fail or succeed
Else a big price you'll have to pay!
Who then will help you? If only you had a clue!
That in your grave alone in dark you'll lay!
The Questions will start...
And if you had a sincere heart
Then in peace you'll spend the rest of the days!
But if you had a bad heart and from this world you depart
Then you'll regret the rest of your days!
"Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing)."
(Quran, Surah Al-Imran, verse 185)
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