Salat Recording - 11th

Salaat al Fajr -
Madinah University (Mosque)

11th March 2009
Surah Yusuf (1-29)

(Good recitation in Sheikh Juhany's style)

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Brother Moynul Islam wanted us to post following.
(Included in the recording is the short reminder the imam gave after salat)

The imam made a few mistakes during salat. Many students behind him started to correct him, so this confused the imam even more, especially as they were correcting the imam when he didn’t get a mistake. This is why the imam delivered a short reminder after the completion of the prayer.
NOTE: The following reminder does not necessarily reflect the correct opinion in the issue, its just a rough translation of what the imam said:

(After starting with the name of Allah, and sending salutations upon the Prophet):
An important note : The person who corrects the imam should be the person behind the imam. It is not for every muslim. Imam Aboo Dawood reports in his Sunan that one day the Prophet led the people in salat…..(not able to translate the hadeeth, but he used it as an evidence).. Therefore the person who corrects the imam should be only one person. It is not for every muslim.
We are students of knowledge! We know the importance of salat. Some people of knowledge have said : If a person corrects the imam and he is far (from the imam), then he has spoken in salat without right, and has nullified his salat. The person who corrects the imam shouldn’t do so in the middle of the imam’s recitation, rather when he completes the verse. Also, he should correct him with the correct verse immediately (it’s not proper that the imam recites from an ayah and he corrects from previous ayahs.) .
I ask Allah to benefit us from what we have heard and learnt. And may the blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad….

Moynul Islam
Madinah University Shariah student from UK


Anonymous said...

ive forwarded all the fajr recordings since 6th March except the 7th March 2009. Todays imam actually led on that day (Saturday). I didn't record it as i never heard him before, but it was amazing (he recited from surah Araaf)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for this usefull reminder for us.

May Allah Subhanehu ve Teala be pleased with all muslims.

Anonymous said...

you what? How can you say that!

Muntaser said...

JazakumAllah khayr for that.

Anonymous said...

but why did they keep interrupting the imam when he was reciting correctly?