Admin Message
Assalaam u alaikum

On account of attempting to organize our archive of salaats (Alhamdulillah), we have added a new label called "HQ Taraweeh Videos" where you can find all the videos of surats from taraweeh/tahajjud (excluding the takbeers and fatiha) that we have so far uploaded.
If you have any further suggestions or queries, please email us.
Jazka'Allah Khair
Assalaam u alaikum


whitemoon2000 said...

Assalamualikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Thank you for doing a great deed. May Allah reward you for your deed in this world and in Jannah. May Allah make everything easier on you.


Wassalamualikum Warahamtullahi Wabarakatuh

Anonymous said...

Esselamu Aleykum,

May Allah Subhanehu ve Teala be pleased with your work for us muslim brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

salamz. whats your email? and ps: i can't open the sheikh ali jaber page because i am not invited. any solutions to this would be very helpful

HR Staff said...

will fix sheikh ali jabers blog in few days inshaAllah

Anonymous said...

chers frères

Que Dieu vous assiste dans votre travail au quotidien, un travail pris au sérieux!
votre initiative est excellente...

Le fait d'avoir choisi la date de 1416 est important.
Pourquoi? les jeunes imams à potentialités peuvent voir les vidéos de leurs aînés et s'autoévaluer pour faire toujours mieux!
Pour ma part en tant que professeur d'université et formateur, je parle souvent de ce sujet: écouter les plus anciens même s'ils sont encore bien jeunes pour tenter de s'améliorer ( c'est ce qui s'appelle l'EMULATION)

Continuez, Dieu récompensera

Anonymous said...

Love your work. I'd like to kindly ask the haramain team that please could you make the forthcoming taraweeh prayers 1430AH all in HQ as well. As the white translation is clear whereas in yellow the meaning can't be read many times.
Jazka'Allah khair