InshaAllah 1428 Makkah Tahajjud will be led by the Two Imams. Sheikh Saud ibn Ibrahim Ash-Shuraym and Sheikh Abdur-Rahman ibn Abdul-Aziz As-Sudays.

Last 10 days of Taraweeh will be led by Sheikh Maahir ibn Hamad Al-Muaiyqili and Sheikh Abdullah ibn Awwad Al-Juhany

Last Friday Khutbah and Salat of Ramadan will be led by Sheikh ibn Abdullah Khayyat.

InshaAllah. Salat and Khutbah of Eid-ul-Fitr will be led by the head Imam Sheikh Salih ibn Humayd.

May Allah accept our Siyam and Qiyam. May Allah forgive our sins. May Allah let us see more ramadans like this. Ameen. -HaramainRecordings Team
i have always been very curious to know what happens behind the scenes at the Haramain. How did you know which prayer each imam would be leading etc. how and who decides??
jazakkallah and how do you find out all this
Yeah you guys know whats up. Isfunny because when I tell my family and friends, they ask me how I know haha. Good stuff anyways. Been watching this stuff everyday during ramadan. Keep them comming throughout the year. I was there for 3 months this past summer so ive been going through the vidoes to see if I am in them ahha.
JazaakAllaahu Khayran for such a brilliant website. May Allaah reward you abdundantly, aameen.
By the way, I vote for Shaykh Maahir!
assalam juhany is leading tahajud 10 days is starting why is this anyone ?i am watching live now juzkallah i am loving this ramadan mashallah may Allah rewad u
Sheikh Juhany was leading taraweeh salat not tahajjud. Tahajjud didnt even start today anyways. InshaAllah we are going to find who is going to lead what salat tomorrow. Most likely Sh.Shuraim and Sh.Sudais for tahajjud. JazakAllahKhair everyone for your comments. Ameen to the duas.
Shaykh Shuraym All th way!!
Mashallah watched the whole recition live ... Sh Maahir was brilliant...
May Allah give him khair.
I thought Sheikh Saud ibn Ibrahim Ash-Shuraym?
juamny lead last day tyjjd
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