(Dont know reciters name )
If you know his name please post it in comments
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Kamran said...
My guess would be Saad Al-Ghamidi InshaAllah.
May 11, 2007 8:37:00 AM WEST
Anonymous said...
yea i think its saad al-Ghamidi...well it sounds like him n e ways...mashallah a very beautifuk voice w/salam
May 11, 2007 12:28:00 PM WEST
Anonymous said...
this is not saad al-ghamdi....
May 11, 2007 12:31:00 PM WEST
Anonymous said...
That is not Saad Al-Ghamdi
May 11, 2007 2:47:00 PM WEST
Anonymous said...
No, it doesn't sound like Saad Al-Ghamidi.
May 11, 2007 4:29:00 PM WEST
Anonymous said...
He is definetly not Shaykh al Ghamidi because he does not sound like him or look like him. But the voice is really nice mashallah. Please someone must know who he is.
Allah ma3ek
May 12, 2007 3:58:00 PM WEST
Anonymous said...
this is not saad al ghamadi as i know how ghamadi looks. Beautiful voice masha Allah by this brother eager to know the name to hear him more!
May 12, 2007 10:21:00 PM WEST
Anonymous said...
this is not saad al ghamadi as i know how he looks. beautiful voice though masha Allah. eager to know the name so i can hear more insha Allah.
May 12, 2007 10:22:00 PM WEST
My guess would be Saad Al-Ghamidi InshaAllah.
My guess would be Saad Al-Ghamidi InshaAllah.
yea i think its saad al-Ghamidi...well it sounds like him n e ways...mashallah a very beautifuk voice
this is not saad al-ghamdi....
That is not Saad Al-Ghamdi
No, it doesn't sound like Saad Al-Ghamidi.
He is definetly not Shaykh al Ghamidi because he does not sound like him or look like him. But the voice is really nice mashallah. Please someone must know who he is.
Allah ma3ek
this is not saad al ghamadi as i know how ghamadi looks. Beautiful voice masha Allah by this brother eager to know the name to hear him more!
this is not saad al ghamadi as i know how he looks. beautiful voice though masha Allah. eager to know the name so i can hear more insha Allah.
السلام عليكم
sa3ad algamidi is from dammam in saudi arabia and this is a festival in jouf so the reciter is from jouf in saudi arabia
but i would like to know who he is
il do some asking and see what i come up with..
salamou 3alaykoum,
I saw cheikh sa'ad al ghamidi hafizahoullah, and this sheikh is not sa'ad al ghamidi.
this is sa'ad al ghamidi
does anone know if there any other recitions of sheikh baseem
he is mohammad badshah khan basyaie
son nom c kandari regarde tape ce nom sur youtube tu verra c lui sinon il est excellent ton blog
Sheikh Fahd Al Kanderi,
This is Sheikh Baseem bin Muhammed As Sbuy'ye Imam of Masjid Al Khair in Riyadh
It is Saad Al Ghamdi...
No. His name is Baasem bin Muhammad As Subay'ee
As i know from picture that he was 99% Shaikh Salah Al Taalib. I think Iam right and if iam not right WALAAH AALAM.
Salam Aliakum Wa rehmatullah
I have attend many Salat's at makkah of this Imam Sheikh Saleh Al Taleb. As i have sure that he is Sheikh Saleh Al Taleb.
Fee Amaan ALLAH
so this is Sheikh "Baasem bin Muhammad As Subay'ee" or someone else?
No confirmation yet?
wa'S-Selaamu `alaykum
it´s not saad al ghamdi it´s Baasem bin Muhammad As Subay'ee
Asalamu Caleykum All my Sisters and Brothers in Islam .. This sheikh with the beautiful vooice is Baasem bin Muhammad As Subay'ee..
Inshallah Hope all of you the best .. May Allah Swt Make us those who meet each other in Jannah Al-Fardowsa ..
This reciter is Baasem bin Muhammad As Subay'ee
it is Baasem bin Muhammad As Subay'ee
The reciter is Basem bim Muhammad...Masha Allah...
Baasem bin Muhammad As Subay'ee
The qari is Shaikh Baasem bin Muhammad As Subay'ee. He is the Imaam of Masjid Al Aboodi in Riyadh. Was salaam. Yawar
He is not Sheikh Saad Al Ghamdi, I think yawar is right.
Brother his name is difinetly Sheikh Baseem bin Muhammed As Sbuy'ye i have done reasearch on him.
Baasem bin Muhammad As Subay'ee
this beautiful recitation is by sheikh Baasem bin Mohammed Subaayye
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