Sheikh Shuraim interview

التعريف بالشيخ :
سعود بن ابراهيم بن محمد الشريم
من مواليد الرياض سنه 1386
له من الذكور ابراهيم ومن الاناث 6

كيف كانت طريقتك في حفظ كتاب الله ؟ وكم المده التي حفظت بها القران؟
كانت طريقتي في الحفظ تخضع للاجتهاد الشخصي حيث لم تكن حلقات تحفيظ القران بهذا الانتشار الواسع المعين بقوه على التزام منهج منضبط في حفظ القران فلم يكن لي حينها ورد محدد للحفظ فربما حفظت احيانا حزبا كاملا في اليوم الواحد واحيانا اقل من صفحه ولكن جملة المده للحفظ لا تتجاوز ستة اشهر وكانت سنه 1404

متى كانت اول خطبه وكيف استعديت لها ؟
كانت اول خطبة في شهر شوال وهي الجمعه الاولى من الشهر وقد كان استعدادي سهلا لكون موضوع الخطبة يطرق كثيرا على الاسماع وهو مواصلة العمل بعد رمضان والثبات على الطاعة

ما هي الطريقة في نظر الشيخ لحفظ القران الكريم ؟
ليست هناك طريقة محددة يجب ان يلتزم بها الشخص في الحفظ إذ القدرات تختلف والناس في الحفظ ليسوا سواء كما انهم في توفير الوقت ليسوا سواء . فالذي أراه ان كل شخص يقدر حالته ويدرك قدراتة من ثم يبني على ذلك الطريقة المناسبة له في الحفظ والمدة الزمنية . لكنني أؤكد ان كثرة قراءة القران مباشره من المصحف من اكبر الاسباب الداعية الى الحفظ السريع وكذلك استماعها عبر المذياع .

نفقد الشيخ سعود في كثير من المحاضرات داخل المملكه ونلاحظ قلة محاضراته وعدم الظهور في التلفاز ... ما هو السبب ؟
لدي من الالتزامات ما يمنع الظهور المتكرر ولعل هذا يكون لفترة محددة ومن ثم تتم المشاركة بصورة افضل .
مع الاحاطة بأنني في الصورة دائما من حيث المشاركة في خطب الجمعة في الحرم وهذا يعد نوعا من المحاضرات المختصرة التي تفي بشيء ويضل هذا عوض عن المشاركات الاخرى

ماهو سبب كثرة تعيين الأئمة في الحرم ؟
الحرم يحتاج الى عدد كافي من الأئمة نظرا لمكانته وأهميته والحاجة الى توفر العدد الكافي لتغطية الاوقات والمناسبات والتي تكون سببا في الحاجة الى تواجدهم في الحرم

سافر الشيخ سعود لدول عديدة للدعوة الى الله .. حدثنا حفظك الله عن رحلاتك الدعوية ..
.الحديث عن الرحلات يطول وليس هذا مقام تفصيلها ولكن أذكر من الدول التي زرتها بقصد الدعوة الرسميه ( بريطانيا – اسكتلندا – أندونيسيا – جنوب افريقيا – رأس الخيمة – الشارقة – قطر )

هل ما زال الشيخ سعود يلقي دروس في الحرم الى الان ؟ وما هي الدروس التي القاها طوال فترة تدريسه ؟
الدروس متوقفة في الوقت الحالي نظرا لألتزاماتي الأكاديمية وأما الدروس التي القيتها في المسجد الحرام فهي 1- شرح بلوغ المرام 2-شرح اخصر المختصرات في الفقه 3- شرح القواعد المثلى
4- شرح حائية ابن ابي داؤود 5- شرح اسراج الخيول بنظم المسائل الاربعه وثلاثة الاصول 6- شرح النظم الحبير في علوم القران وأصول التفسير 7- شرح كشف الشبهات 8- شرح الورقات في الاصول .

ماسبب قلة قنوت الشيخ في الاعوام السابقه في رمضان ؟
سبب ذلك هو رغبتي في عدم القنوت

بماذا تجيب حفظك الله على شبهة عدم طلب العلم الشرعي بحجة الخوف من عدم تطبيق العلم استنادا لحديث جابر بن زيد عن النبي صلى الله عليه والسلم : ( ويل لمن يعلم ولم يعمل سبع مرات وويل لمن لم يعلم ولم يعمل مرة واحدة ) ؟
هذا الحديث ليس خاصا بطلب العلم بل هو يشمل كل من يعلم أي شيء من أمور الدين ثم هو لايعمل به فلا حجة في الهروب من العلم الشرعي بهذا الحديث

نلاحظ في الاونه الاخيرة تغيب سماحة الشيخ محمد السبيل عن الامامة بالحرم ... فما هو السبب ؟
لم أطلع على سبب ظاهر في ذلك الا الشيخ رعاه الله وحفظه قد تقدم بالسن فلعل بعض الزحام في الاونة الاخيرة يكون سببا في ذلك مع حرصه الدائم على اتاحة الفرصة للاخرين
مع زيادة عدد الأئمة

ماذا تقول بارك الله فيك فيمن يصف خطب الشيخ سعود الشريم بالصعبه ؟
لا أدري ماذا يراد بالصعبة ثم من هو الذي يحدد الصعوبة ؟
لكننا نتفق ان الاذهان تختلف والافهام تتباين ولذا فيمكن ان نقول الخطبة الصعبه هي التي لا يفهمها احد او لا يستطيع ان يحدد
عن ماذا تتحدث . اما وجود بعض الكلمات الغريبة مع معرفة اصل الموضوع فهذا ظاهر . فأنت تقرأ ايات القران وتعرف انها عن الجنة ونعيمها لكنك لا تعرف بعض الفاضها .

في نظرك هل هناك قصور من الدعاة في توجيه الشباب ؟
نعم هناك قصور مهما بذل الدعاة ما بذلوا لان الدعوة لم يقم بها من يكفي .

هل يوجد قارئ او خطيب تحب الاستماع اليه ؟
انا استمع لأكثر من قارئ وخطيب لكني لا أخص احد بالسماع وإنما حسب ما يظهر لي في المذياع .

ما اصعب موقف لا يزال عالق في ذهنك ؟ وهل هناك مواقف لك مع العلماء؟
الواقف الصعبة كثيرة قد ينسي بعضها بعضا ولا يحضرني شيء في هذا الوقت .
ولا أدري ماذا يراد بالواقف مع العلماء هل المراد مواقف محرجة او مواقف خاصة او مواقف طريفة على كل حال لا تخلو ملازمة العلماء من مواقف متكررة فلا استطيع تحديد موقف معين مع احد منهم .

كلمه اخيره ...هي الوصية لعموم الأئمة وهي قول النبي صلى الله عيه وسلم ( الا كلكم راع وكلكم مسئول عن رعيته ) .فعلى الجميع حكاما وعلماء ووزراء واباء وامهات ومسؤلين ات يتقوا الله في الامة وان يحرصوا على استحضار شرع الله في كافة شئون حياتهم ليسعدوا في الدارين والله الموفق .

قال الشيخ صالح المغامسي أفضل من يقرأ القران في الوقت الحاضر قراءة صحيحة بعيداً عن التلحين والتغني والتغير هو الشيخ سعود الشريم.

What was your method in memorizing the Book of Allah? And how long did it take you to memorize it?
My method for memorizing was memorizing/revising on my own since there were no halaqas for memorizing the Qur’an wide spread, nor was there any commitment to a disciplined method for memorizing the Qur’an. So I was not given a specific amount for memorizing. Perhaps sometimes I memorized a whole hizb in one day and other times I memorized a part of a page but the period for memorizing did not exceed 6 months and it was the year 1404

When was your first khutbah and how did you prepare for it?
My first khutbah was in the month of Shawwal and it was the first Friday of the month. My preparation was easy as the subject of the khutbah is heard a lot and it (the subject) was continuing good deeds after Ramadhan and being steadfast on obeying.

What is the method in the opinion of the Sheikh to memorize the Qur’an Al-Kareem?
There isn’t a specific method that a person must adhere to for memorizing/preserving the Quran since abilities vary and people are not equal (not the same) in memorizing as they are not the same in saving time. What I think is that every person should evaluate his conditions and recognize his abilities and then construct a method appropriate for him in memrozing over a period of time. But I am stressing that reading a lot the Qur’an directly from the Mushaf is among the biggest reasons calling to memorizing it quickly and thus listenting to it on the radio.

We find that Sheikh Saud has many of his lectures in the Kingdom and we notice a few of his lectures are not shown on TV..what is the reason?
(Please translate answer)

What are the reasons for the appointment of a lot of Imams?
The Haraam needs a sufficient number of Imams to look over its status and importance and the need to provide a sufficient number to cover the times and events which are the causes of the need for their presence in the Haraam

Sheikh Saud has traveled to a number of countries for the call to Allah .. tell us May Allah protect you about your trips to the call..
The talk about travels is long and this is not the place (to discuss) its details but I can mention from the countrires which I have visited for the purpose of an official invitation (Britian, Scotland, Indonesia, South Africa, Rais Al-Khayma, Sharjah, Qatar)

Does Sheikh Saud continue the gathering of duroos in the Haraam now? And What is the Duroos on
The Duroos (lessons) have stopped for now because of academic commitments. As for the Duroos which have been delivered in Masjid Al-Haraaam, they are 1) explanation of the >>>> 2) Explanations of Abbreviations in Fiqh 3) Explanations of the fundamentals of >>> 4) Explanations of the >>> of Ibn Abee Dawood 5) explanations of >>>>> 6) Explanations of the system of >>>>> in science of Qur’an and Principles of Tafseer 7) Explanations of >>>>>> 8) Explanations of >>>>>

What is the reason for so few qunoots in the past years in Ramadhan?
The reason for that is that my desire is not for qunoot

Why do you answer (Allah preserve you) with uncertainty against the seeking Shari knowledge under the pretext of fear from being unable to applying knowledge based on the Hadith of Jabir bin Zaid where the Propet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: (rought translation: Woe upon he who knows but does not practice seven times and woe on he knows not and practices not once)
This hadith is not especially for seeking knowledge rather it includes everything you know from the commandments of the religion thus it (the hadith) is not in accordance with it, hence there is no excuse to escape from the Shari knowledge of this hadith.

We have noticed recently in the past, the absence of Sheikh Muhammad As-Subbayl from Imamat in Al-Haraam…what is the reason?
I am not informed with the apparent reason for that except that the Sheikh (May Allah guard him and protect him) has advanced in age and perhaps ……….

What do you say, May Allah bless you, about the one who describes the Khutbahs of Sheikh Saud Ash-Shuraim as difficult?
I don’t know what is to be difficult because who is to determine difficulty? But we agree that minds are different and understading vary great for that reason we say a difficult khutbah is that which we can not understand at first or we are not able to determine what is being said. As for the appearance of some western words with the knowledge originating in this subject, this is apparent. You read the verses of the Qur’an and you know it is about Jannah and its pleases but you do not know some of its descriptions in detail.

In your opinion, Is there a lack of preachers to guide young people?
Yes, there are few important exerting preachers who exert because preaching can not occur with who we have (i.e. the number of preachers are not sufficient)

Is there a Qari or Khateeb whom you love to listen to?
I listen to a lot of the Qaris and Khateebs but I do not have a specific one for listening but what appears on the radio.

What is hardest position which you still hang to in your opinion? And are there any positions for you with the Ulama?
The hardest standing is that many forget one another but do not bring me anything at this time. I do now know what the positions with the Ulama are, but do you want an embarrassing position or a specific position or a position for all circumstances which is not without an inherent position of the ulama

His last words….this is the commandment for all Imams which is a hadith of the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him [more or less: (Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock)]. So all the rulers and scholars and ministers and fathers and mothers and questionnaires should fear Allah in and should aspire to summon the law of Allah in all aspects of their lives in order to be happy in the Hereafter and Allah.

Few parts missing ,it will be great if someone can translate it.


Shah said...

JazakAllah for putting this.
SheikH Shuraim is an asset and effective for all ages of Muslims.

umayr said...

jazakhairun, what beautiful words sheikh shuraim spoke

Anonymous said...

Sheikh Shuraim is really gifted nd very knowledgeable,he truly is a really humble person.Still would prefer him to do Qunoots,as his voice is just too beautiful.

marouf said...

thats really really sad news - apparently the sheikh will no longer make any qunoot. There is just no match to this sheikh. I wish he changed his mind and does desire to do qunoot again. Ameen

Anonymous said...

Ahson said...

What a beautiful interview. I think that was much needed. I have only two disappointments: Firstly, They didn't ask him why he wasnt leading prayers regularly these days. I think that was teh most important issue. They did touch upon the lack of duroos to which the answer was acadamic committments of Sheikh Shuraim. So maybe academic committments are the reason as to why he isn't laeding prayers??
Secondly,a huge disappointment is that perhaps sheikh shuraim would neber lead a qunoot again. i've been waiting for 5 yeaas now to listen to his qunoots as they are SO AWESOME mashaAllah! It is a treat listening to sheikh shuraim's old qunoots. i really really hope sheikh shuraim changes his mind about qunoots.

Anonymous said...

we must work together and write a letter to Sheikh Shuraim that we wish, he will do qunoot again. Please

someone have to send him this Letter.

AJA said...

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh..Dear brothers and sisters, Sheikh Shuraim said "I do not have desire for it" necessarily does not conclude that he will never do dua qunoot again. InshaAllah in the future, dont be surprised if he does a dua. May Allah bless and protect him. Ameen

Sheikh Shuraim 4 ever said...

Omg, that's such an amazing and informative interview of Sheikh Shuraim! Everything Sheikh Shuraim said was sooo awesome. Mashallah, Sheikh Shuraim did hifz by himself in 6 months and he was only 17!!! That's not surprising because he is Sheikh Shuraim, afterall. :) And, I can't beleive Sheikh Shuraim might not do Qunoot again!! That's sooo sad and disappointing! But Sheikh Shuraim will change his mind, inshallah. When was this interview and was it on tv or a newspaper? Thanks soo much for posting.

Anonymous said...

When was this interview? And who conducted it?

Jazumullah Khair for it

Saarah Akhtar said...

when was this interview?....Is there a video for it Please answer!..

Saarah Akhtar said...

i have re-transalted whom shall I email it to...?

Anonymous said...

excellent specially his last words r awsum

Anonymous said...

Can Sheik Shuraim's fans not get together to write to him to recite the qunoot. I too have been waiting for so many years to listen to him recite the Qunoot which he did SO beautifully. Mashallah. We must let him know how much it is missed. May Allah swt grant SS the desire to once again recite Qunoot. Ameen

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...