25th October 2008 - 27th Shawwal 1429

Makkah Isha
(Surah Az Zukhruf 66 to 84) Sheikh Ghamdi

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Biography of Sheikh Juhany

سيرة فضيلة الشيخ عبدالله بن عواد الجهني إمام المسجد الحرام ذلك الصوت الندي فقد أتاة الله مزمار من مزمير آل داود ........ لا أريد أن أطيل عليكم فكلكم على شوق لمعرفة سيرة الشيخ :
هو الشيخ_ عبدالله عواد فهد معيوف عبدالله محمد كديوان الهميمي الذبياني الجهني
خوالة عروة من جهينة (وهما على قيد الحياة ) ولله الحمد
الشيخ عبدالله أصغر الأبناء (وإخوانه الذكور ثلاثة (عايد ،لافي،محمد) وأختان

من مواليد المدينة المنوره 11/1/1396هـ
متزوج ولديه ولدان (محمد، عبدالعزيز) وإبنتان

حفظ القرآن صغيرا وذلك لحرص والديه واهتمامهم والمتابعه الدائمة وقبل كل هذا التوفيق من الله فقد كان يذهب للتحفيظ في مسجد الاشراف بالحرة الغربية بالمدينة المنوره

درس الجامعة: بكلية القرآن الكريم بالجامعة الاسلامية
الشيخ عبدالله تخرج من الجامعه الاسلاميه دراسات قرانيه واول ماتخرج اصبح معيد في كلية اعدادالمعلمين بالمدينه وبعدها ذهب ليكمل الماجستير بمكه وهو الآن طالب دراسات عليا بجامعة أم القرى و كان قد شارك وعمره 16 سنه في مسابقة لحفظة كتاب الله بمكة وحصل على المركز الأول مكرر و الشيخ عبدالله لم ينشأ لايتيم الاب ولاالام كما تناقلته المنتديات وأمه وابوه على قيد الحياة أطال الله في أعمارهم

ويعتبر الشيخ عبدالله الوحيد الذي اكرمه الله بإمامة أكبر المساجد من ناحية مكانتها للمسلمين وهي
المسجد الحرام الشريف.
المسجد النبوي الشريف.
مسجد قباء.
مسجد القبلتين.
ووهنالك معلومة صغيرة قبل الصلاة بالمسجد النبوي الشريف عام 1419هـ كان هنالك توجية للشيخ عبدالله بالصلاة بأحد المساجد الكبرى بواشنطن ولكن الله اكرمه بأمر من الملك عبدالله حفظه الله(عندما كان ولي للعهد) بالصلاة بالمسجد النبوي الشريف.
اما الآن فهو إمام بالمسجد الحرام بمكة المكرم

English Translation

He is Sheikh Abdullah 'Awwad Fahd Ma’yoof Abdullah Muhammad Kadyuwan Al-Humaimy Adh-Dhabyaani Al-Juhany. He is from Jaheenah. (Alhamdulillah his grandparents are still alive)
He has three brothers (Adil, Lafee and Muhammad) and two sisters. Sheikh Abdullah is the youngest son.
He was born in Madinat ul-Munawwarah in 1396. He is married, has two sons (Muhammad and Abdul Aziz) and has two daughters.

He memorized the Quran at a young age, fulfilling his parents wishes/interests, and was given the ablility from Allah to supervise the teaching (memorization) of Qur’an at Masjid in the Western part of Madinah

He studied in the College of Qur’an Al-Kareem in Islamic University. Sheikh Abudullah graduated from the Islamic University with a degree in Qur’anic Studies and became a TA from the Preparation of Teachers [Teaching School] in Madinah. After that, he went to obtain his Masters in Makkah and on June 6, 2012 he earned his doctorate degree from Ummul Qurra Univeristy. His thesis was on Ghareeb al Quraan (the rare and hard-defined words from the Quraan) from ibn Jaree al-Tabaree's tafseer. He achieved the certificate of excellence, earning 98%.

At the age of 16, he participated in a competition as a Hafidh of the Book of Allah and he won first prize. Sheikh Abdulllah did not grow up as an orphan as people say [people claim he is an orphan] His parents are still alive Alhamdulillah and May Allah grant them a long life. [Ameen] Update: His mother passed away in 2011. May Allah have mercy on her and grant her Jannahtul Firdaws.

And Sheikh Abdullah is considered as the only Imam who, by the Grace/Generosity of Allah, has been an Imam in [some] of the biggest masjids of the Muslim world. He has/is been an imam of:
Masjid Al-Haraam in Makkah
Masjid An-Nabawiyy in Madinah
Masjid Quba
Masjid Qiblatain

And there is some information that before Sheikh Abudllah led his first salaat in Masjid An-Nabawiy in the year 1419 he was [appointed] to lead salaat in one of biggest Masjids in Washington but by the Generosity and will of Allah, King Abudllah (when he was still crown prince) appointed him to lead Salaat in Masjid An-Nabawiyy Shareef.
As for now, he is an Imam in Masjid Al-Haram in Makkat ul Mukarramah

If you find any errors in translation, please let me know. Jazaka'Allah khair

25th October 2008 - 27th Shawwal 1429

Makkah Maghrib
(Surah Ash Shams and Ash Shrah) Sheikh Sudais
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25th October 2008 - 27th Shawwal 1429

Madinah Maghrib
(Surat Al-Kafiroon wa An-Nasr) Sheikh Ale Sheikh
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24th October 2008 - 25th Shawwal 1429

Makkah Friday Khutbah
English Translation
Delivered by His Eminence Sheikh Abdur Rahman As-Sudais

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25th October 2008 - 26th Shawwal 1429

Makkah Fajr
led by Sheikh Al Juhany (Sura Al-Munafiqoon)


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25th October 2008 - 26th Shawwal 1429

Madinah Fajr
(Surat Ibrahim 35-52) Sheikh Thubaity
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