
King Fahd Quran Printing Complex
Al Madinah Al Munawarah
Sheikh Hudaify

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The Quran Printing Complex was built in 1982 for the purpose of printing and distributing the Quran. Within it are the Printing complex, a recording studio where many of the Shuyookh have recorded their entire Quran, a translations center where the Quran is translated into different languages, the center of Research and Islaamic studies, and the center of serving the Sunnah and Seerah.

Sheikh 'Ali al Hudhaify holds a role within the council and is part of the committee that listens to the Quraa while they are reciting for their recordings.


Anonymous said...

Mashallah the amount of effort put it Allah reward them

Anonymous said...

It is a very appreciated work. I have one Quran printed there. Thanks for this work.